Home News how to get divine intervention

how to get divine intervention

by City People
  • CLAM Snr Pastor, WOLE OLADIYUN Reveals

Intervention means: Involvement, Intercession, Mediation, Arbitration, Meddling, Interference Mediatorship, The act of intervening, The act of becoming intentionally involved in a difficult situation, in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse, A situation in which someone becomes involved in a particular issue or problem, in order to influence what happens.



  • Psalm 107 V 23 – 30

v.23 “Those who go down to the sea in ships, Who do business on great waters”

v.24 “They see the works of the Lord, And His wonders in the deep.”

v.25 “For He commands and raises the stormy wind, Which lifts up the waves of the sea.”

v.26 “They mount up to the heavens, They go down again to the depths;

Their soul melts because of trouble.”

v.27 “They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, And [e]are at their wits’ end.”

v.28 “Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, And He brings them out of their distresses.”

v.29 “He calms the storm, So that its waves are still.”

v.30 “Then they are glad because they are quiet; So He guides them to their desired haven.”

Divine intervention means:

(1) God is getting involved in your matter.

(2) God is coming into your matter.

(3) God is mediating in your case.

(4) God is taking over your matter.

(5) God is handling the matter on your behalf.

(6) God is interrupting the process to set everything in order.

(7) God is giving you a miracle to make your joy full.

(8) When God gives you beauty for Ashes, oil of Joy for mourning and garment of praise for the Spirit of heaviness.

(9)When God makes you to be celebrated where you have been mocked and rejected before.

(10)    When God makes you the head, a solution provider where you have been termed useless like Jephthah (Judges 11 v 1 – 8)

(11)When God fights your battles beyond your imagination.

(12) When God surprisingly gives you resources beyond human imagination.

(13) When God raises you up despite your poor background and human frailties.

(14) When God makes you productive and fruitful robustly after men have written you off.

(15) When God gives you accurate directions/instructions when you are heavily confused and don’t know what to do.

(16) When you miraculously escape tragedies that ordinarily could have consumed you.

(17) When God raises people to defend you where you are not able to defend yourself.

(18) When God surprises you when you have lost hope totally on an issue.

(19) When God settles your financial problems miraculously.

(20) When God orchestrates a delay in order to prevent you from tragedies to the surprise of everyone.

(21) When God makes an impossibility possible for you miraculously.

(22) When God makes the mischief planned against you to backfire or boomerang.

(23) When God makes the stubborn monitoring agent and evil pursuer to drown in the Red Sea.

(24) When what the enemies push to you becomes your instrument of prosperity like Obededom.  ( 2. Sam. 6 v 11).

(25) When God turns your captivity around for your lifting.  (Psalm 126 v 1).

(26) When the irreversible is reversed miraculously.

(27)     When God destroys a terminal sickness and cancels a terrible medical report surprisingly.

(28) When God makes a way for you where men say there is no way.

(29) When God enables you to be doing so well in the midst of many critics.

(30) When God empowers you to break new ground.

(31) When God gives you a brand new idea that is uncommon.

(32) When God does a miracle for you that doesn’t make sense.

(33) When God grants you an unusual favour before those who are your destiny helpers.

(34) When that court case already manipulated suddenly turns to favour you.  (Ezekiel 21 v 27)

(35) When God approves your document where you don’t know anyone surprisingly.

(36) When God makes you a Testimony wherever you find yourself.

(37) When any step you take leads to a mighty and unbelievable breakthrough.

(38) God coming through the back door when you expect Him through the front.

(39) For God to come at a time you don’t expect him to give you a miracle.

(40) When you have tried everything you know how to do and nothing is working and all of a sudden God makes things to change miraculously.

(41) When God sends a divine warning courier message to all your enemies to leave you alone.

(42)    The God Almighty suddenly appearing in your situations to make you smile.

(43) For God to help you out when no man can help you again, no family, no institution.

(44) When you receive help unexpectedly from the least expected places

(45) When God demonstrates His Sovereign power on your behalf.

(46) Miracles, Signs and Wonders that you cannot explain happening to you.

(47) Surprising experiences that will bring joy to your life happening.

  1. God suddenly coming and intervening in your critical moments (Malachi 3 v 1)



(1) Every great and outstanding achievement is life’s answer to God’s intervention.

(2) Many wonderful dreams can only be fulfilled by God’s intervention.

(3) Men and Women who had depended on their own strength had failed, woefully.

(4) Divine intervention puts an end to prolonged delay.

(5) Divine intervention removes barriers of any kind

(6) Divine intervention prevents one from dancing round the mountain without climbing up.

(7) Divine intervention brings you out of the PIT of reproaches, confusion and sudden death.

(8) Divine intervention makes your ground hitherto barren to yield her increase.

(9) Divine intervention makes your heaven to open and release he dews upon you.

(10) Divine intervention makes your cloud that is full of rain to pour it down.

(11) Divine intervention enables you to know the secrets behind what you are passing through and the solutions to them.

(12) Divine intervention makes all stubborn enemies of your life to stop their wickedness and face the wrath of God.

(13) Divine intervention sponsors sudden miracles and elevation in your life like Joseph.

(14) Divine intervention makes you win any battle in life and destroy the enemies that have gained upper hands before

(15) Divine intervention removes sweat and struggles and hard bondage from your life.

(16) Divine intervention makes you to be CELEBRATED where you have failed before.

(17) Divine intervention will make helpers to remember you after the order of Mordecai and King Ahazerus.

(18) Divine intervention prevents you from dying before your time and brings back to life any good thing that had died which shouldn’t have died after the other of Lazarus.

(19) Divine intervention makes your prayer turn to testimonies. It stops praying without answers.

(20) Divine intervention will make you not to waste your productive years, it will enable your ways to be smooth with the leading of the Holy Spirit.



(1) When things are not the way they should be.

(2) When you discover that you have been marking time on the same spot for a very long time.

(3) When your expectations are always failing.

(4) When Age is weighing on your without any tangible achievement.

(5) When your hard work is unrewarded or unnoticed.

(6) When unexplainable delay is injuring your destiny.

(7) When demoting powers are working seriously against your lifting.

(8) When dark powers hinder you from progressing on all sides.

(9) When you remain backward while your contemporaries have moved on.

(10) When you are witnessing unusual limitations.

(11) When you notice repeated failure at the edge of success.

(12) When you notice constant rejection and hatred.

(13) When attacks are becoming rampant in your life.

(14) When you notice a gruesome stagnation roundabout.

(15) When you notice unexplainable backwardness, frustration, disappointment and non – achievement.

(16) When financial crisis is snuffing life out of you; debts piling up, you cannot service your toils.

(17) When anything you touch or do dies mysteriously.

(18) When you work so hard for an organization and your reward/credit is given to another person. You are forgotten, unrewarded without explanations.

(19) When you notice evil family pattern affecting you and your family members.

(20) When all of a sudden, you are not doing well again, situations turned upside down and you are stranded in the journey of life.

(21) When your journey of forty days is becoming forty years.

(22) When as a man, you can’t perform your duties again. You are now a bread eater rather than being the bread winner. Your wife is now playing your role.

(23) When some Habits/Characters are disturbing your destiny.

(24) When you are a victim of a particular on and off sickness draining your resources, warming up to kill you.

(25) When you notice a rising and falling pattern in your life.

(26) When your businesses are witnessing strange problems.

(27) When you are having repeated negative dreams causing problems for you on the physical.

(28) When you can no longer fight back in the dream and the enemies overcome you always.

(29) When all the doors of opportunities are blocked and you are just frustrated.

(30) When desolation, mockery and shame suddenly take over your life.

(31) When all your helpers turn their back against you.

(32) When sudden darkness invaded your life causing riotous problems for you.

(33) When you suddenly fall from the zenith of success; and now living a wretched life surprisingly.

(34) When each time you are about having breakthrough, something terrible happens.

(35) When serving God is no longer interesting to you, your spiritual life is now zero.

(36) When all the God – given promises refuse to turn to manifestations.

(37) When you are always making mistakes and errors.

(38) When you are fighting your ordained helpers and mentors.

(39) When people die mysteriously in your family, in your organization.

(40) When bareness is staying for too long in your family.

(41) When progress becomes a taboo in your life and family.

(42) When you are tired of your present situation, and you are very desperate for a change.

(43) When you discover that oppression is staying too long in your life.

(44) When there is a terrible sibling rivalry and quarrel for so long.

(45) When you are always hiring wrong workers and doing business with wrong people.

(46) When you are overstaying in the school of hopelessness, reproach and mockery.

(47) When doors of opportunities refuse to open for you.

(48) When you make money but nothing to show for it.

(49) When you live in fear and lack of peace.

(50) When you are always having problems unabated.


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