Home News Ifenyinwa Nelson-Udeh Reveals Her Success Story As A Milliner

Ifenyinwa Nelson-Udeh Reveals Her Success Story As A Milliner

by Reporter

Ifeyinwa Nelson-Udeh, is a trained Milliner and Creative Director at Tripple K Fascinators based in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.She is a Nigerian by birth.
” I joined the Millinery industry 4 years ago after several years of active service with the National Council for Arts and Culture, Enugu State, and i must say that my Work background and love for everything Arts has contributed to this wonderful journey of my being a Milliner.”

Like every other Industry, my journey as a milliner has been one filled with several Ups and Downs and at times mentally tasking challenges, but with Perseverance , Consistency and Above all my Passion for Creativity, not forgetting the God Factor ,it has really made this trip Worthwhile.

Like the saying goes, “ If you do What you love, You’ll never Work a Day In your Life”.

“Tripple K Fascinators creates Classic and Timeless Head Pieces for the Everyday Woman (such as ;hats, fascinators, headbands, turbans e.t.c).”

“We sell millinery Craft materials, and also run a training School (Both Full time & Part time )at our physical location here in Port Harcourt, Rivers State and have successfully empowered several youths in the Industry and in the Nation at Large.”

 "Our social media handles are  (Facebook @ tripplekfascinator, Instagram @ 3pplekmilliner, Tik Tok @3pplekmilliner, WhatsApp +234 (080) 37020046).

“I am currently an active member of The Nigerian Milliners Association.”

” It’s been a great pleasure and opportunity to be a part of “The Recycle Challenge” classes proudly put together by our ever smiling tutor and Recycle Pundit, Madera E Rogers, founder of Black Perl Market Place, from New Orleans USA in collaboration with The Nigerian Milliners Association where i was taught how to use waste materials to create a new Work Of Art.”
“At first, it was confusing, but as the classes went on,the pieces began to come together to form a beautiful Head Piece!! A work of Art!”

“One major lesson i took away from the classes was that Recycling actually saves resources, prevents pollution, saves money and best of all, it’s easy.”

"The recycle challenge project has also taught me that you can create masterpieces if only you can think outside the box."

“The Tripple K Fascinator Brand is out there all because of this project. Soon, I will be making cash out of waste Materials.”
“I can’t over emphasize the positive effects this project will make in our environment. Imagine where trash can create jobs and produce economic benefits to us and at the same time reduce air pollution by the burning of used materials thereby leaving us with better air to breathe as that is important to our health and making the earth a pleasant place to live because of clean environment.”

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