Veteran actress Liz Benson, a celebrated name in Nigeria’s film industry, has made a return to Nollywood after a break from acting. Her comeback is marked by her role in the upcoming film “A Mother’s Son,” produced by the talented actress Mercy Johnson and directed by Vincent De Anointed.
Mercy Johnson took to her Instagram page to share a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the production, revealing Benson’s participation in the project. In the video, the cast, including Mike Godson, Evia Simon, Ozioma Maurice, and George Inaibeh, expressed their excitement at working alongside the actress.
Benson, touched by the warm reception from her colleagues, expressed her admiration for their achievements. She siad, “All the big people in Nollywood are here. You guys are doing exploits; God bless you. It’s nice to see all of you in real life. I am meeting all of you for the first time. But I have come to see my daughter (Mercy Johnson).”
Liz Benson Hailing from Etinan, Akwa Ibom in southern Nigeria, started her journey in the entertainment industry as a child actress in 1971, captivating audiences with her talent. In 1993 her portrayal of Mrs. Agnes Johnson in the television soap opera “Fortunes” on NTA made her very famous.
Throughout the 1990s, Benson emerged as a prominent figure in Nollywood, starring in several classic movies and earning a place as a household name.
Promise Babatunde
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