Home News Oyefusi Advises Couples on psychological abuse

Oyefusi Advises Couples on psychological abuse

by City People

The Labour Party Deputy Gubernatorial Candidate in Lagos State, Princess Abiodun Oyefusi has lent her voice to the strategies for recognising and responding to psychological abuse from intimate partner.

She gave her stance at the Conference organised by Warien Rose Foundation on Monday in Lagos.

The Nigerian Politician said insincerity, over friendliness and exhibition of grandiose displays of attention during the courting phase of the relationship are signs to take note.

She noted that persons who withhold affection, attention, love, sex, money or children and those who speak disrespectfully about their partner, to their partner or in front of others should be watched out for.

The Founder of SoulLifter Foundation explained that persons who put their partner down through humor or is overly critical and isolate their partner by sabotaging their support systems should be avoided.

“In recognizing Psychological abuse from an intimate partner, persons who seems insincere or overly friendly and persons who exhibit grandiose displays of attention during the courting phase of the relationship should be disregarded.

“A person who withholds affection, attention, love, sex, money or children and someone who speaks disrespectfully about their partner, to their partner or in front of others should be jettisoned.

“Persons who put their partner down through humor or is overly critical and someone who isolates their partner by sabotaging their support systems must be avoided by a means.” She said

Meanwhile, Oyefusi urged partners to take care of themselves emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually while responding to psycological abuse abd at the same time do what it takes to calm things down rather than arguing and escalating.

Pincess Abiodun said they should not defend themselves because it doesn’t work and makes them look guilty.

She also advised that they should not share their feelings in the hope that the abuser will finally understand.

“In responding to psychological abuse from an intimate partner, do what you need to take care of yourself emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

“You should not defend themselves because it doesn’t work and makes them look guilty.

“Another thing is that you should not share your feelings in the hope that the abuser will finally understand.” She said.

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