Home Religion Why You Should Not Take Your Dreams For Granted – Pastor WOLE OLADIYUN Releases 21 Facts

Why You Should Not Take Your Dreams For Granted – Pastor WOLE OLADIYUN Releases 21 Facts

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Pastor Wole Oladiyun, CLAM, City People Magazine

Extracts Of His New Book

Dreams are visions during sleep. And they are an important spiritual phenomenon. They are occurrences in the spiritual realm and God often uses our dreams to communicate with us. Dreams were ordained by Him for the good of mankind, the crowning glory of His creation made for a special relationship with Himself. The average human being spends one-third of his life sleeping and that says a lot about dreams: a good part of our lives is spent

dreaming dreams! Your dreams are very important. By them, you can know what is happening to your physical life in the spirit realm.

Dreams are wonderful when they come from God. But dreams do also come from the enemy’s camp. Understanding the dreams you dream will help you in spiritual warfare. It will give you the understanding to fight the good fight of faith against every wicked attack of the enemy. And in Christ, you are more than a conqueror.

Below CLAM’s Pastor Wole Oladiyun reveals some more facts about dreams taken from his new book VICTORY THROUGH DREAMS…


  1. Dreams are spiritual monitors. They tell much of your spiritual state or condition. To understand the state of your spiritual life, examine your dreams.
  2. Dreams don’t just happen.

What you programme into your life is what you will experience in your dreams.

  1. Dreams from God will reveal His plans and purposes to you, instruct, exhort, comfort, give directions, correct, guide, assure, encourage, heal, etc.
  2. Dreams from the powers of darkness are usually disturbing, destructive and terrifying. The enemy and his demonic and human hosts of wickedness attack in the dream to steal, to kill, to destroy, to afflict with sicknesses, to attack your destiny, to deceive and manipulate, etc.
  3. Most evils in human lives are perpetrated by the powers of darkness during sleep.

Matthew 13:25 – But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way (emphasis added).

  1. Dreams from carnal depraved minds are terrible horrible things.
  2. Take seriously any persistent recurring dream in your life.
  3. It is dangerous if you don’t dream at all. It simply means

you can’t hear God when He wants to talk to you.

  1. Dreams determine many issues of life for good or for bad.
  2. For many, the journey of progress or disaster starts through the dream gate.
  3. God reveals the future to His own through dreams.

Joseph’s future and prominence over his brothers were revealed to him through dreams (Genesis 37:1-11). He became governor of Egypt in fulfillment of his dream.

  1. God can reveal your destiny helper to you in a dream or vision.

Cornelius, a centurion and a righteous God-fearing Gentile at Caesarea was instructed in a vision to ask Apostle Peter to

come to his house and minister the Gospel to him. It was a life-changing encounter with God for him and the other Gentiles with him. This encounter marked the beginning of the spread

of the Gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 10:3-6, 9-18, 28).

  1. God gives messages of riches, honour, and blessings through dreams.

This was the case with King Solomon in Gibeon when the Lord appeared to him in a dream at night (1 Kings 3:3-15).

  1. God gives creative insights and ideas for progress and prosperity in the dream.

In spite of Laban’s cruel cheating and deception, Jacob became exceedingly prosperous with large flocks (of cattle, camels, sheep, goats, and donkeys) in the house of Laban because of the inventive breeding idea the Lord gave him in a dream (Genesis 31:10-12). But God was not done with him through dreams in the house of Laban: When he was returning to his native land, God warned Laban in a dream not to harm him:

Genesis 31:24 – And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said unto him, take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad (emphasis added).

  1. For your sake, God can torment the enemy in the dream.

Pilate’s wife related the agony of suffering many things in her dream because of her husband’s role in the persecution of Jesus (Matthew 27:19).

  1. God can save from shame through dreams.

In a dream, God assured Joseph of Mary’s purity, saving her from the shame of being put away by Joseph following her supernatural conception of the Messiah (Matthew 1:20).

  1. In the face of imminent danger, you are unaware of, God can show where to hide for safety and preservation.

It’s in a dream that Joseph was warned to flee with Jesus to Egypt away from the reach of Herod (Matthew 2: 13).

  1. God can give through a dream advance warning of the enemy’s evil plot against you even to others who will act wisely so you will be preserved.

The Wise Men were warned not to return to Herod because of his plot against the baby Jesus (Matthew 2:12).

  1. God can give precious information through a dream when the strongman of your life and destiny is out of the way.

Joseph was told in a dream to return to Nazareth following the death of Herod (Matthew 2:19-23).

  1. Even when you blow and bungle it, God in His mercy will intervene on your behalf for His name’s sake and covenant.

God intervened in a dream to Abimelech, preventing him from taking Sarah as a wife after Abraham had told the king Sarah was his sister (see Genesis 20:1-7).

  1. God can use other people to reveal the interpretation of your dreams.

Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s divinely inspired dream (let’s remember that Pharaoh was the most powerful man in the world of his day) on an upcoming 14-year cycle of events that bordered significantly on the nation’s economy (see Genesis 41:14-36).



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