Home Dating & Romance He Wants Another One!!

He Wants Another One!!

by City People
Rosie's Diary

In a way, I felt he was making sense. And the truth is that I had very little option. I had no one else to turn to. If he kicked me out of his house, I had nowhere else to go to. But I also wasn’t ready to give him the impression that I was helpless. Yes, I was in a bad situation but I will not let him or any man take advantage of me ever again. It will have to be on my own terms from now on.

“Listen, Rosie, I know you are afraid,” Uncle Fred continued. “I know you no longer trust men, but I need you to trust me….”

“Trust you? Trust you?” I spat, looking him straight in the eye. “You just raped me!”

The man sighed heavily. “And I have asked for your forgiveness, Rosie, can’t you find it in your heart to forgive me? I will make it up to you, I swear! Or do you want me to go on my knees for you so you know how serious I am?”

And he was truly serious about it. If I asked him to, he would go on his knees for me. Up until now, I really had no idea how powerful the woman’s body really is. Up until now, I had no idea how a lady could hold a full grown man by his balls, manipulating him to do her bidding. What had just transpired between me and Uncle Fred pulled the veil from my eyes, and now I have realized that nearly every man born of a woman is nothing but a toy in the hands of a woman, if she understands very clearly what her powers are and what she can do with it. Uncle Fred had just presented me with an opportunity and I was going to grab it with both hands.

“Okay, Uncle Fred, I have heard all that you said,” I told him.

His face lit up with a big smile. “You have?” he responded with excitement. “You mean you have agreed to be my baby girl?”

“If that is what you want, no problems,” I assured him.

“Oh, that’s good!” he exclaimed. “So, when do we start?” he asked.

I was puzzled. What’s this man talking about? I’d wondered. “I don’t understand you, Uncle Fred, start what?”

“Our new found love affair of course,” he retorted, smiling sheepishly like an idiot.

I shook my head in disbelief. He was just acting like a little boy who had never slept with a beautiful girl before. “Please, before we even talk about starting anything, let me have the money first, that’s the important thing.”

 ”Okay, dear, no problem, give me a minute.” He left the room while I waited for him. Minutes after, he emerged with money in his hands.

“This is the money, Rosie, count it,” he said. “I added a little extra for you…..”

I took the money from him. To be honest, I didn’t expect he would respond as fast as he did. I was thinking he would be hesitant, seeing that I wasn’t making things as easy as he would’ve liked. I counted it. It was twelve thousand naira. I had never had that kind of money to myself before. But I concealed my surprise.

“This is twelve thousand naira, two thousand more than I asked for?” I said to him.

“Yes, the extra is meant to take care of the little things like blood tonic, Cereals and other stuff that you might need to help you make a quick recovery,” he replied, sounding very pleased with himself.

“Thank you, Uncle Fred, I am grateful,” I told him, meaning every word of it. It was the resources to terminate the pregnancy that I had been looking for, for over three months without success. Because of that, I got into Bobby’s uncle’s trap and nearly got into the traps of other vultures as well who wanted to devour me and take advantage of my situation.

“I really appreciate this,’ I said to him, thanking him again, having realized the value of what he just did for me.

“You’re welcome, dear, it’s my pleasure,” he retorted. And with a mischievous smile on his face, he added: “I just hope you will appreciate me in ways that will make me feel really, really good.”

“How do you mean?” I asked him.

“What I am saying is that I expect you to start showing me love too, just like I have shown you now,” he continued, trying to pull me close to him. “Listen, Rosie, what I have done for you, I cannot do for another woman. I will not help another man clean up the mess he created. But for you, it’s different. You’re a special kind of babe and I want to treat you like the special babe that you are.”

I thanked him. He was doing his hardest to emotionally overwhelm me and I understood him perfectly. He had just made a huge investment, he needed to be sure if he made the right investment.

I smiled. “If I understand you very well, you want me to be available for you whenever you need me, right? And by that, I mean sexually available, am I correct?”

He held me by the waist and grinned. “You got it, smart girl, you got it.”

I stared at him for a while, wondering how things could change in one’s life in a matter of minutes. Here was the same man I’d feared and respected a great deal, professing love to me and treating me like I was the best thing to ever happen to him.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Fred, I will try my best,” I answered. “So, how do I go about the abortion? Which clinic do I go to? Where do I start from?”

“I will have to speak with the doctor first,” he responded, his eyes still hovering all over my body, like he still wanted to devour me some more. “He’s a very good friend of mine, let me arrange an appointment for you and then let you know when to see him. Is that okay by you?”

I nodded. “That’s fine by me. Thank you. So, when do you hope to see him?”

“Tomorrow unfailingly,” he assured me with a sincerity that left me in no doubts of his intentions. And I thanked him again. There was silence. “But, Rosie, there is still one thing I need to ask of you….”

“And what could that be?” I’d shot at him.

He smiled nervously. “Promise me you will grant my request,” he’d said.

“I can’t promise you anything until I know what your request is,” I retorted.

“Okay,” he was almost stuttering. “You know I more or less just forced myself on you moments ago, now that you have agreed to be my baby, I want you to make love to me from the bottom of your heart!”

I was surprised. Not quite expecting that. “You mean right now?” I asked.

“Yes, dear, I mean right now!” 


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