Prophetess Adenike Elizabeth Aina, the founder and spiritual leader of Ark of Noah Prayer Ministry, a popular church located in Epetedo axis of Ebute Meta, Lagos, is in a good mood right now as she is set to celebrate the 20th anniversary of her calling to God’s work very soon. Through her ministry, God has been doing wonders and there have been numerous testimonies from people who attended her church services usually held on Mondays.
In a chat with City People Reporter, JAMIU ABUBAKAR, the highly revered prophetess recalled how she got the divine calling to do God’s work 20 years ago. She also spoke about her intentions to celebrate her 20th anniversary of doing God’s work big. Below are excerpts:
Can you tell us how you began working for God 20 years ago?
It was a difficult task but with God’s grace and his anointing. Like I usually say, I never thought I’m qualified enough to be called for God’s work. But God be the glory it just started as if I was sick. I’m a real and dutiful Christian who is conscious of God and humanity. Then I thought it was a sickness not knowing it was the holy spirit. For like a year, it seemed like the world was coming to an end. After my encounter with our pastor, they prescribed that I needed to undergo deliverance. I had been to the hospitals and doctors were unable to diagnose the nature of my sickness. So I thought it wise to let me visit the pastors for deliverance. After the deliverance, I was feeling relieved. Then later, my pastor told me that immediately after the deliverance, the spirit of God was speaking through me. I didn’t believe what he was saying. So to prove it to me, whenever I was to go for deliverance, my pastor would invite 2 or 3 people to come around to witness how God speaks through me and that whatever I say comes to fulfilment. Before we knew it, the sitting where we had the deliverance was gradually becoming crowded as many people started coming around to have me pray for them and prophecy in their lives.
When the pastor saw that I was not too convinced about what they told me that God is speaking through me whenever I come for deliverance, he did a voice recording of me, told me to go home and listen to it. When I listened to it, the voice I heard was strange to me. So, I told my pastor that since I’m feeling relieved by the deliverance done, he should continue the deliverance exercise on me. Before we knew it, the 3-bedroom apartment and the premises of the pastor’s house became flooded with congregation.
After a while, we bought land. After 6 or 7 years, a pastor came from the US and visited us in the presence of God. There God revealed to me that I would join him in the US to Minister his work. We named the event America 2005. We were 12 in number. People over there were wondering how we got our visas. We performed lots of miracles there and people thanked God. So the following year, the congregation was growing massively. There was a crisis and we broke up with the pastor that delivered me and discovered the holy spirit in me.
In fact, I thought that was the end. But people won’t stop calling me. They said they have been using my name and pictures as a point of contact to God and God has been blessing them. Then I was back in Eko-Idumota in Lagos Island doing my business as a Fabric Merchant. I’m very popular and fondly called “Titi Alayo”. I started the business at Balogun Market about 30 years ago. During that period I traveled around and go as far as China for business. But I always reserve Mondays for our church service. I run it like a mountain (Ori-Oke). So people coming to me then did not allow me to back down and face my fabric business. They said we should rent a hall for our service and we did that for good 6 years. But to God be the glory, last year God bought us a land at Odaliki 59, Ebute Meta. Last month we did 7 years of the ministry and since then God’s ministry has been progressing.
So, I’m grateful to God, who called me, who chose me and who is doing wonders through me. I use this medium to pray that God should continue to be with me and the ministry should continue to blossom and grow in strength.
What are your plans for the forthcoming 20th anniversary of your ministry?
For the 20 years anniversary of my call to God’s work, hopefully, I want to celebrate it big because a lot has happened and God is still keeping us. I never sought to become a prophetess but it was God that called me and it is God that is speaking through me. I know God will spare us to witness the day. By God’s grace by the time my calling hits 30years, our cathedral would have been fully built to host the anniversary.