The first convocation ceremony of Kings University, Ode-Omu, Osun State, took place with much fanfare and flourish yesterday. The University was founded by Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, Senior Pastor of Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC), who is also the Chancellor.
In his address, Pastor Ashimolowo urged the graduates to dare, dream and develop themselves. He challenged them to embrace creativity, industry, innovation and persistence.
The full text of Pastor Ashimolowo’s address to the graduands is reproduced below.
The Ones to Whom The future Belongs
Four years ago, you embarked upon an academic journey. One which has culminated in this day of convocation and graduation, so congratulations.
Following your national youth service, you will become a candidate for the job market. The only challenge is that the market has an excess supply of job seekers. According to the Youth unemployment rate in Nigeria stood at 36.50 % in 2018.
This number represents over 16 million unemployed Nigerian youths. However, this figure is debatable, considering the challenges of our data collection and the youth who exist within the black economic sector.
The VOA News declared in Dec 3rd, 2018 that Nigeria would need to create four million jobs every year to reverse the negative trend of continuous unemployment and downturn in the economy.
Pastor Ashimolowo
Jobberman, a leading recruitment agency in the West African region surveyed ninety thousand people and found that 47% of Nigeria’s graduates are unemployed and unemployable. Along with these an additional 500,000 graduates and join the market annually
With the aforementioned in mind you must distinguish yourself as a graduate of this institution by choosing to do the following:
To dare is to show up and be seen.
Have clearly defined visions that will define your pathway to success. If you do not, you could be tempted to imitate.
Dare to create a future without waiting for others. If you don’t, they will define you.
Make obstacles your ladder to greatness: No one reaches a high position without daring
Dare to step out of the box of “the regular”. In the words of H. Jackson Brown;
“people take different roads seeking fulfilment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road, doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost “.
The World Economic Forum survey of September 2015 shows that 70% of professional services strategy officers agree that by 2025, digital solutions will generate more revenue for professional services firms than services delivered by people.
Pastor Wole Oladiyun, Member, Board of Trustees
50% of media, entertainment and information strategy officers agree that by 2025 90% of the news read by the general public will be generated by computers.
92% of banking and capital markets strategy officers agree that by 2030 distributed ledger technology will underpin much of our financial architecture.
You must dare to discover, develop and deploy your talent.
Secondly, you must distinguish yourself with a:
Dreams are the parable of the night, the parent of tomorrow’s possibilities
Dreams are the pull out of the shallow waters of life, to launch you into great depths of achievement.
A man without dreams, visions or expectations is like a bird without wings. He cannot fly.
A lack of money, connections or even academic deficiency must not stop dreams.
When you lack dreams, you starve the coming generation of your abilities, gifting and possibilities.
Go forward and:
Develop secondary skills outside of the immediate discipline of your study.
Be Creative: The future will be redefined by those who do not stay in the lanes of mono- training.
The future belongs to those who are creative. People who step out of the box to engage their creative gifting.
Some of the areas where there will be ground breaking creativity, that you must participate and explore include: Writing, innovative teaching, graphic design, fashion design, product development, animation, video games development, smart tv evolution, dancing and choreography, photography, food technology, cars of the future, innovative advertising, online and social media marketing, event management, acting, wedding planning, website design, textile design, film production, the makeup industry, furniture design, jewellery design, ceramics, app creation, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, connected portfolios, smart technology, exploration, recycling, renewable energy, redefined modes of transportation – with fuel efficiency and speed and finally architecture with management of spaces and buildings while promoting 21st century designs.
I also encourage you to:
Think possibilities and break out of the regular.
On a recent visit to Dubai (UAE) I was amazed to find out that the country has established a Ministry of Possibilities. The role of this Ministry is to include applied design-thinking and experimentation to develop proactive and disruptive solutions to tackle critical issues. It will also build future government systems.
Make your mind your greatest asset base and keep it alive with learning. It is learning, not yearning that increases a person’s earnings.
Where you will be located in society will be determined by the measure of information that enters your mind.
No true reformation and transformation can happen to you without adequate and practical information. Rub minds with great minds so that you too can be great, as we read in Proverbs 27:17.
The necessity for you to develop your mind stems from the fact that your mind is the pivot around which your entire life revolves. Prov 23:7
You have heard the expression “don’t mind him” but the world only minds the man whose mind flows with things of worth.
Do not think that the university education you have acquired gives you all the knowledge you need. Rather, you must realise that no matter how deep, excellent and great you are, you must still pursue to be the best in your chosen field. Dan 9:2
Stretching your mind through the consultation with wiser minds through their books and works, results in your improvement.
Remember, those who cannot humble themselves to learn from others lose the opportunity of gaining ground and increasing their speed.
Matthew Ashimolowo, Chancellor, Kings University, Ode-Omu, Osun State. 25th October, 2019.