Home Celebrity Lifestyle Why I Said I Could Kill Anyone Who Hurts My Wife

Why I Said I Could Kill Anyone Who Hurts My Wife

by Wale Lawal
  • Pastor E. A. ADEBOYE Explains

Sometime last year, Pastor Eunoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God was in the news when he shocked everyone by saying he could kill anyone that tries to mess with his wife. This statement, as one would exspect, attracted intense condemnation from people who felt it was preposterous that a man of God of Baba Adeboye’s standing should know better than utter such unguarded statements. They wondered why such a man held in the utmost high esteem could think of taking a life just because someone ‘messed’ with his wife. Others dared him to try making good his threat and see if he would not also be condemned to death by the Laws of the land despite his highly revered status.

But only very few understood what the man was talking about. He later explained that he didn’t mean that he would physically attack anyone. What he meant was that he would report such person to God and demand that God deals with the person in the most ruthless manner possible, which of course could bring death upon such person. It was at the 75th birthday ceremony of his beloved wife, Pastor Foluke Adeboye, popularly called Mummy G.O. that Baba Adeboye explained why he said he could kill anyone who messes with his dear wife. At the birthday ceremony, after several pastors had come out to pay glowing tributes to Mummy G.O., Pastor Adeboye stepped out to also say a few words about his wife. Hear him:

“Apart from the salvation of my soul and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the best thing that God has done for me is to give me a good wife. What can I say about my wife? I don’t want to keep repeating what you know already. You want to die, mess with my wife. It’s as simple as that. I will kill you so thoroughly you won’t even wake up on the resurrection day. I have said it before and people said if you kill somebody the government will kill you and I said, you have to find a weapon first. I’m not going to kill you with a gun, you will just sleep and not wake up and the doctors will call it heart attack. And I will tell God not wait till judgement day, just send this fellow to hell straight away, its as simple as that. Every man has his red line.”

“Of recent, somebody was saying that Pastor Adeboye has some demons in Redemption Camp and that’s where he gets his powers from. And somebody said, aren’t you going to reply? And I said, no, we should be praying because this fellow has committed the most unpardonable sin. When somebody begins to give the glory of Jesus to demons….that’s what Jesus Christ said when somebody said he’s casting out demons using the power of demons. Jesus Christ said that fellow is not only doomed on earth, he’s also doomed in the world to come. So, when you hear somebody say such a thing you should just pray for mercy for such a fellow. So, even Jesus Christ had a red line. They said if you sin against God the Father, you will be forgiven. You sin against God the son, you will be forgiven. But you blaspheme the Holy Spirit, you’re finished. As rich in mercy as God is, you cross that red line, you’re done for.

“So, there have been all kinds of things said about us, but they have been very careful. They didn’t mess around with my wife cos if they do, you will read about it in the papers. Yes, I love you, you’re my children, you’re my friends, but if you mess around with my wife….there’s no begging. You won’t even be around to do the begging. Its as simple as that.”

“People say how can a man say that of a woman? Well, maybe I never told you this one before but just let me say this. Apart from the fact that we suffered together, and out of all the people that were courting her, I was the poorest, a nobody, and she is a Princess. Apart from all those ones, I mean, like when the Lord was dying on the cross, he looked down from the cross and saw one fellow and said, hey, boy, look after my mother. Apart from the fact that when I was going to do my post graduate studies, I could hand over my mother to this woman and I knew she would take very good care of her. A fellow who could take good care of your mother, a fellow you can entrust your mum to, particularly knowing you’re the only son of that mum, and then someone now comes and begins to tell you some things about that woman? The best thing to do is just kill that fellow.”

“Apart from that, there was a time I decided to fast because I was facing some challenges in my life and there was a particular one which I knew was going to require fasting and prayer. So, I decided I would fast. I fasted forty days and forty nights. And you know, whatever I’m doing, she’s doing. She knows its not going to be easy to fast forty days and forty nights if your wife is eating. And I’m telling you, I’m yet to meet a better cook than my wife. So, in order not to get me tempted, she would be fasting. For forty days and forty nights, I fasted, but the mountain remained. So, I felt if forty days and forty nights would not solve the problem, let me try again. Another forty days and forty nights, she joined me and the mountain remained. Then, I said, alright, I think what I would do is this. I said, dear, I’m going to fast until this problem is solved. At least, if God sees that I’m about to die, he will respond. I said, lets reach an agreement, by the time we do another forty days and forty nights and this problem is not yet solved, you will break and I will continue. She agreed. And forty days and forty nights ended and the mountain was a little bigger than when we started (laughs). So, if you think you have seen mountains before, I have seen maybe one or two myself. Then, I decided that I would continue. So, my dear, thank you very much, you have done your beat. Forty days and forty nights, three times in one year? I mean, you have to be a very special wife. So, I said, thank you very much, you can take a break now, but she said, no, when you stop is when I stop! I said, ah, that was not our agreement o. And when I say fasting, I’m talking about that fasting that at a point you will have to punch new holes in your belt because you have contracted a little bit.”

“Forty first day, forty second day, she refused to stop. She said, no, you keep going, we’re in this together. That was when I said to God, well, solve the problem if you want to, I’m not going to lose my wife. I was compelled to break after 42 days because my wife says I’m not stopping unless you stop. And that’s the kind of woman my wife is. So, when a man says I want to spend the rest of my life with a woman, and the woman is someone who says, well if you have to die, we die together, then if you want to live, you live together.”

“So, if anybody sees the glory of God in our lives today, and he’s upset, may God forgive them. If you see the glory and you don’t know the story, may God forgive you. I guess that’s about all I should say about my wife. Among other things that have been said about her here today, I must say that many of you don’t know ten percent of her generous nature. Many of you have no idea what length she will go to particularly when someone is down, to see that that fellow is lifted up. She would always remind me of one pastor so and so, or sister so and so, that the miracle we are expecting for that person is not yet here, so we need to pray more for them. I thank God for that lady. One thing is certain, if there is one person that is going to make heaven, my wife is going. I know that.” And the entire auditorium erupted in resounding applause. It was a befitting tribute to a woman whom many virtous women regard as their mirror, their role model, the woman from whose well of wisdom and spiritual grace they all gleefully drink from.



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