Did you know that life is a STORY and you are a STORYTELLER?
Your present reality is also a summation of your stories, internal communication, internal representations, and conversations within.
Just in case you are wondering what a story is, The ETYMOLOGY ( Origin/ Root meaning ) of the word STORY is derived from the Latin word ‘HISTORIA’ which means ‘ A connected account or narration of some happening’.
From our waking to our bedding down moments, we revel in two types of stories. Empowering or disempowering stories. These stories start off as facts, that ‘we then take as truth’ and experience as reality.
Empowering stories are streams of positive thoughts while disempowering stories are torrents of negative thoughts.
Let’s do a quick assessment.
What area of your life are you happy about and why?
Please write it down…
Whatever you are happy with in the area of your life, it’s because your Life Conditions (LC) match or equal your blueprint, your story, your belief about what it should be.
What area are you not pleased with?
Why are you not happy with that area of your life?
The Formula for unhappiness is simply when your life’s condition does not match your Blueprint, your story, you will be disappointed.
What does is take to be happy?
One word PROGRESS.
Progress equals Happiness
Even if you are not where you want to be yet, if you are on the road to getting there, making progress, you are going to love it, you will feel alive.
On the other hand, if you aren’t growing, you will start dying.
If you and I want to know what it takes to be happy, we have to understand how our current life conditions measure up against the blueprint of how our lives is supposed to be (because each one of us has a story in our heads) before we can begin to identify and implement the actions that will move us from the ideal to reality.
The next question is what creates Pain, stress, frustration for you?
To identify that you desire to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, means that you simply want more.
Every time your life doesn’t match your blueprint, you become unhappy, you become depressed.
But the best is you have 3 CHOICES
The first choice is to blame something / blame someone / or yourself /
The second is to change your story
The third is to change your blue print.
You either have to change your life or if you can’t change your life, you have to change your blueprint or change your story.
So if I may ask again, ‘What stories are you telling yourself? and What’s story has been holding you back?
Oyinkan can be reached on
oyinkan@theyouthmax.com or principalcoach@merchantofromance.com
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