Saving is essential. We all know this. But doing it right usually means making some sacrifices – and this is where most of us get tripped up.
Often the money you save is the “extra” cash that could make the difference between just making ends meet, and living a bit more comfortably, so the decision to save is difficult. You know you’re doing the right thing but, to be honest, it makes you a bit miserable not to have the luxuries you see others enjoying. If you don’t find ways to make saving worthwhile, you may not stick to it in the long run. Here are some tips to help you feel wealthy, while you put away your hard-earned pennies.Â
Many people who look rich are, in fact, simply conspicuous spenders. They throw money around and hide the fact that they’re financially struggling. When you decide to put money away, you might think it’s better to take the other tack and become a conspicuous saver, living frugally and making saving a “project” that involves way more self-denial than is necessary. For a while, it may feel comforting to be so obviously “correct”, but you’ll soon run out of steam and possibly flip over to too much spending as a relief, so let go of your ego.
Being around beauty makes you feel rich. Give it go. It doesn’t mean renting luxury cars and filling them with gorgeous women. No. You can create beauty in the smallest things, from how you arrange your simple lunch sandwhich on your plate, to how you pack the clothes in your cupboard. You may not live in a mansion staffed with servants, but your home can be your castle, no matter where it is.
This is very important. Often people forget the sensation of wealth if they go through long periods of frugality. To convince yourself you’re wealthy, get used to luxury. Every once in a while, have one cocktail in the lounge of the most expensive hotel in the city. Feel what it’s like to be treated like royalty.
When you look like a million bucks, you’ll feel like a million bucks. And this doesn’t have to break the bank. Ask someone to help you put your wardrobe together. Throw out the clunky loafers. There’s someone out there who needs them more than you do. Invest in well-made shoes that can double as smart or casual. Buy some good shirts and well-fitted trousers – and you’ll definitely need a good suit. These basics should last you a while, so the investment is totally worth it.
If you’re filling your life with what really matters –friends, family time in nature, a soulful hobby – then money simply doesn’t seem as important.
Give your body the nourishment, exercise and delight it needs. After weeks in the office eating convenience foods while you meet a deadline, you may forget you even have a body. Do a bit of exercise, get some fresh air or steam at the gym. When your body’s happy, you’re happy.
A holiday can be simple and affordable, but still make you feel wealthy. It doesn’t have to be 10 days at a resort. You could simply take time off to do something fun with the kids at home, or spend some quality time with your partner. Make sure to put aside all your usual preoccupations. If you watch series over the weekend and indulge in junk food, do something different on your days off. Take a drive somewhere you’ve never been. Enjoy the sunset. Do this as often as possible.
Sooner or later something will come up – perhaps a friend offers you tickets to an expensive concert, or you score a flight somewhere. Don’t make excuses or find reasons not to jump when opportunity knocks. These moments are there to help you enjoy life a little and feel wealthy even if you’re not. You may not get a chance like this again, so make it work. It will see you through the next tough stretch.
Know what you want and then look for good deals. Be smart about “stuff”. Most people spend on impressive packaging and convenience. You’ll be surprised what you can afford if you just look in the right places.
This is the most important tip! There’s nothing like helping others to help you feel wealthy. When you’re feeling poor, give something away. It’ll change your attitude about yourself immediately. If you’re having a bad day, give something away. It’ll lift your mood. When things are going well, give something away. It’ll remind you to be grateful. This is one of the most important habits to build. With this one thing, you can slowly change your entire way of being in the world: from “poor me” to “wealthy me”. You’ll be surprised how the world responds.
Source: DestinyMan